We have paired the right tools with the right ministry method so that we can impact the world


Our Ministry Method

When IAC was founded, we had a mission to advance quality Christ-centered education– that meant to every nation, tribe, and tongue. This means that sons and daughters in need now have more access than ever before to quality Christ-centered education around the world. We call this learning about God’s world through the lens of God’s Word.

How Do We Fund Our Work?

Since the beginning, we have relied on the generous support of monthly IAC Champions to fund the work we do around the globe. Our relentless commitment to bringing quality Christ-centered education to the nations inspires generous individuals, like you, who give passionately, raise support with enthusiasm, and stand with us as together we go to the ends of the earth– because, as our donors believe, we know that the Good News changes everything.

Our Ministry Model is powered by generous individuals like you, known as IAC Champions.

Business leaders, church groups, entrepreneurs, fathers, mothers, and sons and daughters ensure that they are part of our team wherever the Lord sends us. By making an on-going commitment of support, IAC Champions know that their vision of providing quality Christ-centered education to the nations is happening every day. IAC Champions not only ensure daily work is done but that the future is full of bright hope as we envision a world where every child will have access to quality Christ-centered education.

Partnering with visionary investors who believe in the mission and support our business model so we can focus on what matters most across the mission frontier: making it possible for sons and daughters to access quality Christ-centered education.

While we are not able to offer buyout options or stock equity, our IAC Champions measure their return-on-investment in the number of smiles that are seen on students’ faces every day as they experience God’s world through the lens of God’s Word. That’s now millions of students and counting from across over one hundred and fifteen nations, thanks to their generous support.

Brand Partnerships

Our Brand Partnership Group is a group of companies, foundations, and organizations who understand the importance of bringing quality Christ-centered education to the nations. Whether forming ministry alliances, making corporate gifts, giving a percentage of sales, or participating in co-branding opportunities, each firm is dedicated to supporting the mission of ensuring every child we serve has access to quality Christ-centered education. Join the businesses already taking a stand for the Gospel around the world. Join our exclusive brand partners today!


Monthly Support

IAC Champions are an integral part of the support that funds the global charitable work of bringing sustainable solutions that provide quality Christ-centered education to the nations. Every day, people like you commit to giving each month financially to the ministry, supporting Christian students overseas, and providing sons and daughters in their own community with transformational experiences: IAC Champions are on a mission to ensure that every child has access to quality Christ-centered education. Together, we can impact the world for the cause of Christ!