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IAC Membership


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CMT Membership


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Community Commitment (IAC)


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Premier Guide (CMT)


Christian Museum Tours are unique experiences led by local experts like you. When you do your best as a Christian Museum Guide, you can be awarded Premier Guide status.

Creation Certified


The speaking circuit can be oversaturated, which is why it is important for you to stand out from the crowd. As a ministry professional, certifications matter. Creation Certified is an important credential to acquire. Gain the benefits of our Speaker's Bureau and show the community you serve that you are an expert in your field.

Biblical Creation Ministry Professional


Professionalism in ministry matters. That is why IAC offers a unique certification for people like you who operate independent museums and ministry organizations that are affiliated with the Association. Being a BCMP is a credential to proudly display, communicating your elevated level of knowledge and professionalism.

Welcome to IAC Assesment Series

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IAC Assesment

Additional Information

Download Our FREE IAC Assessment White Paper, Study Guide and FAQ Now!

We have partnered up with Genetics Apologetics to create this Assessment. In support of Christian educators, parents, pastors, and students. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1What Is The IAC Assessment Series from IAC?
The IAC Assessment is the premiere assessment series for Christian educators, ministry leaders, parents, and students, administered by IAC.

Individuals can officially document their level of understanding in basic Christian doctrine and creation science.

IAC created the IAC Assessment by bringing together scholars and experts from across a wide range of faith-based disciplines, including top leaders in the Christian education and ministry field. The IAC Assessment is a tool to help every Christian discover strengths, find opportunities, and grow in their understanding of the Christian faith.

The IAC Assessment consists of two parts, the Biblical Creation Test and the Basic Christian Doctrine Test. In the Biblical Creation Test, there are sixty-five questions across the ten most important topics in the field of origins. In the Basic Christian Doctrine Test, thirty-three items touch on ten topics foundational to the Christian faith.

As someone involved in Christian-centered education, whether you are a school teacher or administrator, a parent or grandparent, a pastor or ministry leader, a high school or college student, it is important that you have a clear understanding of your origins.

Use the IAC Assessment as a tool to discover your worldview and find ways to deepen your faith.

The IAC Assessment helps you discover your strengths, find growth opportunities, and set out on a path for success in Christian education and ministry.

2Who Is Behind The IAC Assesment?
International Association for Creation and Genesis Apologetics have partnered to create the IAC Assessment supporting Christian educators, parents, and students. The questions and cutoff scores for each assessment were set by a panel of nine experienced Biblical Creation Ministry Professionals from leading institutions.

The IAC Assessment is managed by International Association for Creation, with assessments being developed by a peer-reviewed board of Biblical Creation Ministry Professionals under the supervision of Genesis Apologetics; ongoing program advancement is overseen by committees of active Biblical creation professionals in various disciplines.

3Why Is It Important To Take The Assessment?
The IAC Assessment helps you understand where you stand in your worldview, your strengths, which opportunities you have to grow, and how you can succeed in your calling. The IAC Assessment will help you evaluate your own worldview as well as provide you with the following insights:

  • Track Progress: The IAC Assessment allows you to track the progress of your teachers, your church leadership team, your students, or your teens. Now you can know if what you are teaching is being understood; you can even objectively assess the progress of an increasing biblical view of origins over time instead of relying on guesswork. The IAC Assessment will help you to foster unity, grow team engagement, and be a great catalyst of meaningful conversation with those in your community.
  • Grow Together: The IAC Assessment will help lead your team to a greater understanding of foundational doctrinal truths found in Scripture, identify key areas of opportunity for your team or family to grow in their Biblical view of origins.
  • Lead with Confidence: The IAC Assessment was developed over a year-long process by top scholars and experts in the Christian community and put through a multi-step validation process to ensure each individual has the best of the best bench-marking available. We continually monitor potential opportunities for growth to help leaders like you have confidence.
  • 100% Digital: The IAC Assessment is 100% online and requires approximately 30 to 45 minutes per assessment. Results are delivered digitally, including correct answers and the option to remediate answers which may have been missed while receiving live feedback.
4Who Can Take The IAC Assesment?
  • School Teachers and Administrators: Local churches and Christian schools use The IAC Assessment for staff development and training, to screen potential new hires, and as a way to train incoming volunteers for impactful ministry. Throughout the IAC Assessment, individuals will find a common vocabulary that will help bring lasting unity to any team.
  • Parents and Grandparents: Parents and grandparents can use the IAC Assessment individually for their own in-home use, or they may find themselves with the privilege to use the IAC Assessment in a parenting class, family seminar, or conference for grandparents.
  • Pastors and Ministry Leaders: Pastors and ministry leaders use the IAC Assessment as a valuable tool to help them continue growing in their faith and increasing their understanding of important concepts relating to the biblical view of origins.
  • High school and College Students: Students who take the IAC Assessment are recommended to be in the ninth grade or above. The IAC Assessment is made for individual in-home student assessment as well as group assessment of a single classroom or entire student populations
5What Should I Expect When Taking The IAC Assement??
This program involves a two-part online test that includes a 65-item “Biblical Creation” knowledge assessment covering the ten most important topics in the Biblical Creation field and a 33-item “Basic Christian Doctrine” assessment that covers the elemental tenants of the historic Christian faith.

To pass the IAC Assessment, candidates must achieve the following scores:

  • (1) Biblical Creation Test: Minimum 47 of 62 items correct, or more wrong items with remediation by studying topical areas regarding each item missed;
  • (2) Biblical Christian Doctrine Test: Minimum 24 of 31 items accurate, or more incorrect items with appropriate remediation.

The cutoff scores for each were set by a panel of nine experienced Biblical Creation Ministry Professionals. It shall be the responsibility of each candidate to inform IAC’s Community Outreach Manager Senior (COMS) of Professional Development regarding their completion, so their case file can be properly updated with the required information.

6What Follow Up Material & Benefits Will Be Provided?
Assessment results will be provided for each candidate upon request for review and further use at no extra cost to discover your worldview further and find ways to deepen your faith.

Candidates who qualify* will receive access to exclusive member-only benefits, provided by Genesis Apologetics and International Association for Creation:

  1. Master Presenter Library, which includes more than 1,000 PowerPoint slides and videos that are useful for speaking on or teaching about the topic of Biblical Creation.
  2. Access to IAC’s Fossil and Artifact Library, a $40,000 collection of artifacts, teaching objects, dinosaur fossils, and other tools useful for engaging your audience or students.
  3. A 50% discount on all Genesis Apologetics books and DVDs for your use in your presentations or classroom.
  4. Select discounts on approved continuing education classes.
  5. Exclusive access to the private CEDA Community online.

*To qualify, candidates must meet the requirements outlined below and be an educator at a Christian school, homeschool co-op/group, or another educational ministry. Fees may be assessed when accessing benefits.

7What Qualifications Are Required For Accessing IAC Assessments & Follow Up Benefits?
Candidates who pass both components of the IAC Assessment are eligible for exclusive benefits outlined below by meeting three additional requirements as defined herein:

  1. Educational: A completed Bachelor’s degree or higher; OR any one of the following:
    1. At least six college-level units of communication-related classes AND at least six units of science-related classes, such as biology, earth science, geology, astronomy, life science, paleontology, chemistry, genetics, scientific theory or methods, anthropology or related areas (evaluated on a case-by-case basis); OR
    2. The equivalent to (a) through other college-level training or equivalent experience in the areas described above (evaluated on a case-by-case basis).
  2. Experience: Speaking experience including at least ten presentations (not necessarily in the Biblical Creation field) and one online/recorded presentation that can be reviewed by IAC’s COMS of Professional Development.
  3. References: Three letters of reference from senior church staff include a brief review of the candidate’s Biblical Creation knowledge/experience, personal character, and involvement in the local church (additional references may be requested).
8How Do I Purchase My IAC Assesment?
To purchase your IAC Assessment, simply click the blue link below. One of our representatives will follow-up with you via e-mail regarding details for setting up your online assessment.

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