

How to use the Freedom Index Map. You may zoom into a region of interest and select the marker within each nation to receive additional details, if available, regarding the status of homeschool freedom in the selected nation.

The Freedom Index Rating is a system that a team of professionals has developed to reflect best the status of homeschooling around the world. Each nation is actively monitored by the Global Alliance of National Christian Homeschool Leaders to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information. This rating system takes into consideration the severity of limits placed on parents and homeschooling families. It is calculated by analyzing government action, cultural trends, and social attitudes towards home-based, parent-led education. The map above provides a visual rating of freedom based upon expert analysis and reports from leaders on the ground.


There are currently three levels of the Freedom Index Rating, including:

1. Favorable (Green). A “Favorable” rating indicates that homeschooling in the reported nation has conditions that may lead (or have led) to an increase in freedom. This nation most likely has measures that maintain limited or no restrictions on one’s right to educate at home. This nation may have legislation that creates an environment that is considered friendly toward individuals choosing to homeschool.

2. Not Favorable (Yellow). A “Not Favorable” rating indicates that homeschooling in the reported nation has conditions that may lead (or have led) to a decrease in freedom. This nation most likely has measures that maintain burdensome or undue restrictions on one’s right to educate at home. This nation may lack relevant legislation, thus creating a legal void concerning an individual’s right to homeschool.

3. Oppressive (Red). An “Oppressive” rating indicates that homeschooling in the reported nation has conditions that may lead (or have led) to a complete loss of freedom. This nation most likely has measures that maintain maximum restrictions and/or penalties on one’s right to educate at home. This nation may have legislation that creates an environment that is considered hostile toward individuals choosing to homeschool.

What is the Freedom Index Rating?

The Freedom Index Rating, a system developed by the Global Alliance of National Christian Homeschool Leaders, rates over 100 nations around the world according to their level of freedom concerning parental rights. The rating uses data from national Christian homeschool leaders and external experts to quantify and analyze parental rights and access to homeschooling. The map above provides a visual rating. Freedom Index Reports are published at the end of each year to provide narrative updates on select nations monitored through the Freedom Index Rating.

How are the countries rated?

Countries are rated by the severity of limits placed on parents and homeschooling families, calculated by analyzing government action, cultural trends, and social attitudes towards home-based, parent-led education in each nation. Green on the map above indicates favorable conditions. Yellow indicates unfavorable conditions. Red indicates oppressive conditions. White indicates there is insufficient data available.

How do I use the Freedom Index Report?

  • Read and learn. Read the Freedom Index Report and learn about what fathers and mothers face around the world as they homeschool their sons and daughters. Talk about what you learn with family and friends.
  • Pray. Throughout the year, pray for families and leaders in these nations. From time to time throughout the year, our Prayer Team Coordinator hosts special live prayer events. You can join virtually online from the comfort of your own home. Sign up at to join our prayer team and receive the latest prayer updates. Special live prayer event invitations just for you.
  • Share. Tell other people about the Freedom Index Report and how parents in many nations are fighting for their freedom. Share with your friends at church, across the street, and on social media.

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Last Updated: 11 March 2024 at 11:38 Eastern Time (New York/Miami).